Premiere: Curtain Up Project 2014, Tel Aviv | Artistic Director: Itzik Giuli
557 is the sum of ages of the eight women participating in the performance, true to the date of the premiere.
557 is a choreographic work that materializes through women between the ages of 59 to 79, whose bodies – except one – are free of any professional dance codification.
Through an observation of the physical body in its presence, and performance of simple non-narrative actions, that are not expected of elderly women (such as running, crawling, etc.), a series of images surfaces and reveals the social, political, and emotional layers of life embedded in the body.
In an artistic sphere where the conventions of performance are reexamined, 557 aims at presenting the ordinary elderly body – in its non-skilled and unpolished essence – as an aesthetic value in its own right, as the material and inspiration for the work and the choreographic and scenic language of Galit Liss.
The piece is dedicated to the memory of Efrat Hartal, who was a participant in the creative process.

צילום ועריכה: אורן מנצורה / מוסיקה: אבי בללי / עיצוב לוגו: נורית ברנדה
Video & Editing: Oren Mansura | Music: Avi Belleli | Logo Design: Nurit Brande
Creation and Choreography: Galit Liss
Performers and Co-Creators (in alphabetical order): Aviva Apel, Talma Dim, Galia Gat, Orit Gross, Tamar Netanel, Bina Rankurt, Shlomit Riv, Varda Seelig.
Music: Avi Belleli
Light Design: Tamar Orr
Costume Design: Tami Chomsky
Performance Manager: Noa Dar
Photography: Gadi Dagon, Mark Netanel
Logo Design: Nurit Brande
Video Trailer: Oren Mansura
Duration: 30 minutes
"Liss' work aimed to explore the status of the feminine ageing body through its performers (elderly women who, apart from one, lack any background in professional dance). A premise like this is at risk of becoming a gimmick or rather, a sentimental creation. Liss managed to avoid these two pits with a lot of creativity, but mainly through the space that she gives her 'dancers'".
Tal Levin, City Mouse (Achbar Ha'ir)
“Liss has already created works with older women in the past, being attentive to their capabilities in a very inspiring approach... There is a lot of magic in this piece".
Ruth Eshel, Ha'aretz, 15.11.14